Say Goodbye to Your Double Chin: Understanding Submental Fat and Belkyra™

Say Goodbye to Your Double Chin: Understanding Submental Fat and Belkyra™

Are you bothered by a double chin? Submental fat, the accumulation of fat beneath the chin, is a common concern for many individuals seeking a more defined and youthful appearance. Understanding the causes and effects of submental fat is crucial in finding an effective solution. In this blog, we will explore the intricacies of submental fat and introduce you to Belkyra™, a revolutionary non-surgical treatment designed to target and eliminate submental fat. Say goodbye to your double chin as we delve into the science behind submental fat and discover how Belkyra™ can help you achieve a more sculpted jawline and renewed confidence.

Bye, Bye Double Chin. Hello Belkyra™!

Submental fat, also known as a double chin, is a common aesthetic concern that affects both men and women. It can be influenced by various factors, including genetics, aging, weight gain, and even posture. The accumulation of fat beneath the chin can result in a less defined jawline, giving the appearance of a fuller face and an older, less youthful look.

Understanding the causes and effects of submental fat is essential in finding the right solution. While weight loss and targeted exercises may help improve the appearance of a double chin in some cases, others may require a more targeted approach to address stubborn fat in this area.

Enter Belkyra™, a breakthrough non-surgical treatment specifically designed to target and eliminate submental fat. Belkyra™ (known as Kybella in the United States) utilizes deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring substance in the body that aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. When injected into the submental fat, Belkyra™ works by destroying fat cells, resulting in a more contoured and defined jawline.

The Benefits Of Belkyra™
One of the key advantages of Belkyra™ is its non-invasive nature. Unlike surgical procedures such as liposuction or neck lifts, Belkyra™ offers a minimally invasive option with little to no downtime. The treatment is performed in-office, and each session typically takes around 15 to 20 minutes. Most individuals require multiple sessions to achieve optimal results, with noticeable improvements visible over time.

The benefits of Belkyra™ extend beyond fat reduction. By targeting and eliminating submental fat, Belkyra™ can help restore a more youthful and balanced facial profile, boosting self-confidence and enhancing one's overall appearance. The treatment is tailored to the individual's specific needs, ensuring a personalized approach to achieving their desired aesthetic goals.

Are you considering Belkyra™ to address your submental fat?
Read How To Prepare For Your Belkyra™ Treatment.


Book Your Belkyra™ Consultation At Glo Skin In Edmonton

Submental fat can be a source of frustration for many individuals seeking a more defined and contoured jawline. Understanding the causes and effects of submental fat is the first step in finding an effective solution. Belkyra™ offers a non-surgical, minimally invasive treatment option that targets and eliminates submental fat, providing individuals with a renewed sense of confidence and a more sculpted appearance. Say goodbye to your double chin and embrace a more youthful, defined jawline with the help of Belkyra™.

To find out if Belkyra™ is the right choice for you, schedule a complimentary consultation with the skin care professionals at Glo Skin And Medspa in Edmonton. Our highly experienced skin care specialists can determine which injectable treatments will help you achieve your desired results. To book your appointment, call Glo Skin And Medspa in Edmonton at 1-780-481-9772 or fill out the online contact form and discover our transformative beauty and skin care treatments today.


Q: How does Belkyra™ specifically target and eliminate submental fat?
A: Belkyra™ utilizes deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring substance in the body, to target and destroy fat cells in the submental area. When injected into the fat deposits beneath the chin, the deoxycholic acid breaks down the cell membranes of the fat cells. Once destroyed, the body's natural metabolic processes gradually eliminate the fat, resulting in a more contoured jawline.

Q: Are there any potential side effects or risks associated with Belkyra™ treatments?
A: While Belkyra™ is generally considered safe, like any medical treatment, there are potential side effects to be aware of. Common side effects include swelling, bruising, redness, and temporary numbness in the treatment area. These effects are generally mild and subside within a few days or weeks. It is essential to book a consultation with a qualified skin care professional to discuss your medical history and any potential risks or complications before undergoing Belkyra™ treatment.

Q: How long do the results of Belkyra™ last, and is the fat reduction permanent?
A: The results of Belkyra™ are considered long-lasting. Once the targeted fat cells are destroyed and eliminated from the body, they do not return. However, it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle and avoid significant weight gain to preserve the results. While the treated fat cells are gone for good, it's important to note that new fat cells can still form if one gains weight. By adopting healthy habits, including a balanced diet and regular exercise, the results of Belkyra™ can be maintained for years to come.


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