How To Treat Different Types Of Acne

How To Treat Different Types Of Acne

Acne is a very common skin condition that will likely affect everyone at some point in their life. Acne is often associated with teenagers, but it can occur in adults and can be brought on by a number of factors commonly including hormone fluctuation, diet, stress, or medication. There are varying severities of acne, ranging from non-painful blackheads to painful and inflamed cysts that can scar and potentially require surgical removal. Acne has 3 main categories of severity, mild, moderate, and severe, with different treatments suggested for each type.

The Different Types Of Acne And Their Solutions

Mild Acne:

  • Type Of Acne: Blackheads. Blackheads are clogged pores filled with sebum (oil) and dead skin cells. Although the pore is clogged, it stays open, which is what gives blackheads their dark look and subsequent name.
    Skin Treatment: A salicylic acid or cleansing gel like the Glo - Salicylic Cleansing Gel can be used to exfoliate the skin and help clear the sebum and dead skin. Regular exfoliating and cleansing as part of your daily skin care routine will also help keep pores clear.
  • Type Of Acne: Whiteheads. Whiteheads are caused when pores close while clogged with sebum and dead skin cells. They often leave bumps on the skin and since the pores are closed they can be harder to treat.
    Skin Treatment: Salicylic acid can be used to exfoliate the skin, but topical retinoids such as adapalene may work better. Stronger retinoids may be used, but they require a prescription. Wash your face regularly with gentle cleansers, hydrating serum, and spot treatment. The Glo - Acne Kit has all of these and can be used on the face and body.

Moderate Acne:

  • Type Of Acne: Papules. Hard, clogged pores caused by the breakdown of the walls surrounding the pore. Papules are often sore to the touch.
    Skin Treatment: Your dermatologist may recommend retinoid drugs and products such as the G. M. Collin - Retinol 1.0% to treat papules, although topical antibiotics can be used concurrently with other treatments such as benzoyl peroxide.
  • Type Of Acne: Pustules. The walls of the pores are broken down, similar to papules, but pustules are also filled with pus. They are raised on the skin and have a white or yellowish center filled with pus, and the surrounding skin is pink or red.
    Skin Treatment: Pustules may require skin care using prescription creams, such as steroid creams or antibiotic creams.
  • Type Of Acne: Nodules. This is another type of acne that is clogged and inflamed. It shows above the skin while going deeper under the epidermis than other types of acne.
    Skin Treatment: Because nodules are so deep in the skin, your dermatologist will likely prescribe an oral medication called isotretinoin, which needs to be taken daily for about 6 months and comes from vitamin A.

Severe Acne:

  • Type Of Acne: Cysts. This is the most severe type of acne. Cysts develop when pores are clogged with dead skin, sebum, and bacteria and they go deeper into the skin than nodules. Often, cysts are painful to the touch. As the most severe type of acne, cysts are also the most likely to scar
    Skin Treatment: Medication prescribed by your dermatologist is recommended for cysts, and sometimes it is necessary to have cysts surgically removed.

Other Acne Treatment

There are some forms of acne skin treatment that can be used on multiple types of acne. Blue light acne laser treatment is a new technology that reduces the appearance of acne ranging from blackheads to cysts. Blue light acne treatment penetrates the skin's hair follicles and pores to break down bacteria that can cause acne and inflammation. This is a great non-invasive treatment that offers immediate results with no downtime, and has become very popular for regular and last minute acne treatment.

Get Skin Treatments From Glo Skin In Edmonton

It’s important to remember never to squeeze or pick at acne, as it can cause scarring, can spread bacteria, can irritate the skin, or can otherwise cause the acne to become worse. There are over the counter medications, prescription medications, and spa skin care treatments and products that can help treat acne.

If you suffer from acne, schedule an appointment with Glo Skin & Medspa in Edmonton. We offer a variety of skin care options, including blue light acne treatment, chemical peels, Venus Viva™ skin resurfacing, and many more advanced skin treatments. If you would like to try our blue light acne treatment, call us for an appointment at 1-780-481-9772 or fill out our online contact form.


Q: How do I know which skin rejuvenation or acne treatment is right for me?
A: Everyone has different skin types and different needs. The team at Glo Skin is committed to educating our clients about their skin and how to care for it. We offer a complimentary consultation with our highly trained Skin Therapists. At the consultation, we will discuss and determine which treatment is right for you.

Q: Can I get several spa treatments at once at Glo Skin?
A: Yes, Glo Skin offers a selection of beauty spa treatments, including facials, massages, nail care, permanent makeup, fillers, and hair removal. If you would like more than one service, let us know when booking.

Q: What at home products can help my acne?
A: Try to find a small selection of high quality products that work for your specific skin type and use those for a while. Drying out your skin with too many products and switching products before your skin can adapt can actually make acne worse. If you want to find dependable products that are personalized to your skin, talk with our skin specialists at Glo Skin and view our available skin products.


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