5 Benefits of Having Your Eyebrows Professionally Waxed

Whether your eyebrows are too thick, or you want to balance them out to create a desired shape, here are five benefits of investing in professional eyebrow waxing services at our Edmonton medical and beauty spa.

Eyebrows are one of your most important facial features. They help you express emotions, add flair to your look, and can even affect the shape of your face and overall aesthetic appearance. Having your eyebrows regularly trimmed, groomed, or maintained by a waxing professional is therefore very important and can help: 

  • Accentuate your eyes 
  • Make you look more youthful
  • Create a polished look 
  • Hide certain flaws, such as small eyes, eyes that are far apart, or hooded eyes 

By opting for professional waxing services, you can enjoy perfectly groomed eyebrows that will lift up your face, make your eyes appear wider, and instantly rejuvenate your appearance. 

Professional Eyebrow Waxing Services at Our Edmonton Medical and Beauty Spa

At our Edmonton medical spa, our highly trained waxing professionals can help you stay on top of your eyebrow care and achieve a more pleasing and youthful appearance. We also offer a range of beauty treatments, including Botox, chemical peels, and manicures/pedicures, to meet all your cosmetic needs. 

Want to know more? 


Benefits of Opting for a Professional Eyebrow Waxing Treatment 

Whether you are looking to balance out your eyebrows, achieve an excellent shape, or regain control over their growth, a professional eyebrow waxing treatment could be right for you. Here are some of the incredible benefits of opting for a professional eyebrow wax at our Edmonton spa: 

  1. Gives your eyebrows excellent shape. Tweezing at home, or even attempting a DIY waxing job, can result in an overzealous approach that leaves behind too-thin brows and an arch that isn’t quite right. When you work with a professional waxing expert, they can determine what will work best for your face, understand your preferences, and make the perfect shape a reality.
  2. It will take longer for your hair to grow back. Since waxing pulls out the eyebrow hairs from their roots, and not just partially (as is the case with tweezers), regrowth is likely to be much slower. This means your eyebrows will keep their excellent shape and appearance for longer after a single treatment and you won’t have to worry about so many touch up appointments.
  3. The hair grows back softer. Waxing promotes softer brow hair regrowth. Your hair grows back thinner, softer, and less dense, which is particularly beneficial when it comes to keeping eyebrow hair at bay.
  4. More controlled regrowth. When you wax, your hairs will begin to regrow in the right direction and form a nice, natural brow line in as little as two waxing treatments! So not only will you achieve an excellent brow shape, but your waxing professional can train the hair to regrow in a more controlled manner.
  5. Faster and more comfortable treatment. When you get your eyebrows waxed by a professional, you will experience a lot less pain. The wax is applied only to the hair being removed, and then the hair is pulled off quickly and relatively painlessly. Aside from some redness, there are no other side effects, such as swelling or bruising.

Professional Eyebrow Waxing Services in Edmonton

To find out more about how our professional skin therapists can help you achieve the perfect set of eyebrows in a quick and convenient way, contact our Edmonton medical and beauty spa at (780) 481-9772 or fill out our online contact form.


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